Book Chapter
Akarsu, M. Z., and O. Gharehgozli (2024). The impact of the Russia–Ukraine war on European Union currencies: A high-frequency analysis. In P. Bocquillon, S. Doyle, S. James, T. Mason, R. Park, and M. Rosina (Eds.), The effects of wars: Lessons from the war in Ukraine (pp. 95). Routledge Publishing House, 45(3-4), 261-281. -
Refereed SSCI Journal Articles
Akarsu, M.Z., O. Gharehgozli, V. Atal (2024). Big Mac Affordability and Income Inequality across the European Union - Journal of Economic Studies -
Akarsu, M.Z., O. Gharehgozli (2024). The Inflation-Inequality Connection in the European Union:U-Turn to Equity? Journal of Economic Integration -
Akarsu, M.Z., O. Gharehgozli (2024). The Nexus Between Income Inequality and Inflation in Middle-Income Countries - Journal of Computational Social Science -
Akarsu, M.Z., O. Gharehgozli (2023).The Impact of the War in Ukraine on European Union Currencies: A High-Frequency Analysis, Policy Studies - - [SSRN Version]
Akarsu, M.Z., O. Gharehgozli, V. Atal (2023). An Investigation of Income and Wage Inequality in Turkey Using Burgernomics, Eastern European Economics [SSRN Version]
Morawski, L., Akarsu, M.Z., (2023), It will take time and resources: changing disability benefits on the way to social model in CEE countries, Global Social Policy -
Akarsu, M.Z. (2023). Unveiling the Cyclical Patterns of Historical Wage Inequality among European Building Laborers - Ekonomika
Akarsu, M. Z. (2022). Unequal Society: Unequal Society: A Detailed Investigation of Wage and Income Inequality in the United States, Journal of Knowledge Economy.
Other Refereed Journal Articles
Akarsu, M.Z. (2023). The Country Development Index: A Holistic Approach to Assessing Socioeconomic Progress. Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1).
Akarsu, M. Z. (2021). The Impact of the Turkish Presidential System on the Turkish Lira. Journal of Banking and Financial Economics, 1(15), 14-24.
Akarsu, M. Z. (2021). Chaebol System. International Journal of Afro-Eurasian Research (IJAR), 6(12), 1-13. Retrieved from
Akarsu, M. Z. (2021). Alteration of Consumption Habits in Turkey Over Time. Research in Social Sciences and Technology, 6(3), 122-134.
Akarsu, M.Z. (2021). The Causal Relationship Between Economic Growth, Inflation and Unemployment in South Korea. Wroclaw Economic Review, 27(2), 43-61.
Akarsu, M. Z., Assad, D., & Kurek, K. (2020). The Pension Fund System in Turkey and Sweden. Student Journal of Law, Administration, and Economics, 34, 131-146.
Papers Under Review
Akarsu, M.Z., L. Goczek - Income Inequality in Middle-Income Countries - Revised and Resubmitted to Review of Development Economics (SSCI)
Akarsu, M.Z., E. Secilmis, M.B.Turgut - Economic Voting in the Turkish Presidential Elections: A Province-Level Analysis
Akarsu, M.Z., E. Secilmis -Wealth and Want: Income Inequality and Demand for Luxury Goods in the United States This paper has made it to SSRN top ten list.
Akarsu, M.Z. - Wage or Wealth: Unpacking the Driving Forces Behind U.S. Inequality ( Page
Akarsu, M.Z., M. Piccari - The Price of Protection: Analyzing the Trade War’s Consequences for the Rust Belt Steel Industry
Morawski, L., Akarsu, M.Z. - Tax-benefit policy and poverty among families: Poland in 2005-2019
Akarsu, M.Z., E. Secilmis - Exchange rate policy cycles in Turkish presidential elections
Work in Progress
Akarsu, M.Z., Hasnat Dewan (Thompson River University) - Wage and Income Inequality in Canada
Akarsu, M.Z., Zeynep Yom (Villanova University) - Interest Rate and Income Inequality in Middle-Income Countries
Akarsu, M.Z., Michal Brzezinski (University of Warsaw) - Flat Tax and Income Inequality in Central and Eastern European Countries
Akarsu, M.Z., Erdem Secilmis (Hacettepe University) - Wage Inequality Among Immigrants in the USA
Akarsu, M.Z. Income Inequality in Developed Countries, 1920 - 2018